Seattle And San Francisco

Paulie Gee'sI'll be spending the last week of 2010 in Seattle and San Francisco. Pretty exciting stuff. Last time I was in Seattle was 2006 and San Francisco in 2008. Even though it's vacation time and I would very much like to just chill and hang out in both cities, I want to use my time there being productive.

Some of you maybe familiar with my photo project where I take behind the scenes photos of food centric people, shops and restaurants in Brooklyn. People, shops and restaurants that make Brooklyn interesting. My goal is to show people what they usually don't see. The preparations of a pie dinner, a food blogger at work or a Monday morning delivery to a butcher shop. So I want to do the same thing in Seattle and San Francisco. I want to meet the people that lives in Seattle and San Francisco and are making those cities unique because of what they love to do.

I need your help. I don't know enough about the food scene in both cities to actually make a list of people/places I want to contact. If there are food bloggers in both cities that believe in something and are making a difference in their communities, I want to meet them or passionate pizza makers or local butchers demystifying meat or talented chefs doing intimate dinners or bread makers or farmers or...well basically everybody!

Please email me at donny {at} donnytsang {dot} com or just leave a comment below.